Montag, 16. April 2012

I would gaze at the pieces stacked so carefully with love
From behind closed shutters that were windows to your heart
I could not find a way to build a door to let me in
It was all because I couldn't throw away my selfish pride

There the things that I would rather leave unsaid
fear of opening a long forgotten wound
there inside the castle that I built all for myself
it was filled with an emptiness that I could drown

One day suddenly you appeared
You had everything I had ever dreamed to have
the bricks I stacked towered over you
but you stepped and you jumped and you went right o'er
it's sad how cold you've become
bet you were lonely all along
scared to declare but you gave it a flair to repair the affair of the words that were really unfair

I would envy the pieces stacked carefully with love
so meticulously folded one on top of the other
locked inside a lonely castle that I built all for myself
and the doors I would close to hide away my selfish pride

There are things that I would rather leave unsaid
Fear of losing every precious things I had
finally the king appears in his lonesome castle and
is amazed by his very first beautiful taste of love

Spare me from your sympathy
because I really doubt you would ever understand
you bite and you fight and you grab and you stab
but you managed to get what you dearly wanted in the end

I would gaze at the outer world so unified with love
but the one thing I failed to see was the most importand thing
and my soul so familiar to the loneliness inside
glowered at the pool of sun as it collected at my feet

There are thigns that I would rather leave unsaid
Yes, I know that it's your way of showing love
quietly the king retreats into his castle and
the emotions threaten from inside his lonely heart

There are things that I would rather leave unsaid
hoping for a love that would never fade away
given only eternity to do what must be done
I would happily devote myself for the sake of those I love
Open the door and step right in
won't you stay a while and let yourself be loved

In the warmth hidden inside the shadows of your heart
lonely walls start to crumble in the castle you have built
and the days you have given up in search of your happiness
is the one thing that tells you not to give up easily

I will gaze at the passing world and scatter it with love
as the tears fall endlessly I watch you walk away
I'd gladly wait a thousand years if I knew that I would bring
us together again and we'd live happily ever after

1 Kommentar:

  1. Ich möchte dir sehr gerne ein Forum für den Austausch von Essstörungen vorstellen.

    Kennst du schon das Wasserkind?

    „Ich wünschte ich könnte träumen und im Licht baden
    Nebelschauer, von verflüchtigten Tränen umwaben!
    Ich wünschte ich könnte laufen wie Jesus auf Wasser
    Doch gleicht meine Optik eher dem Hundertwasser
    Hundert Wasser Fontänen sprießen ja nur so aus mir
    wenn ich sprechen will, die Stille, sie ist mein Haustier
    Doch stellt sie bisweilen auch meine größte Angst dar
    Wenn Wellen der Einsamkeit mich tragen zu ihm, erkannt als den Nachtmar.“

    Und weil dieses Kind schon so früh die Dunkelheit um sich herum erkannte, hat man ihm die Freiheit geschenkt, hinfort zu schwimmen. Anstatt in seinen Tränen zu ertrinken, wurde es zu einer als das Kind mit der Salzhaut. Fortan schwimmt es im Meer der Gefühle.
    Das Wasserkind hat es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht anderen Menschen zu helfen, die ein ähnliches Schicksal erleiden mussten. Es hat einen Ort geschaffen, wo man untertauchen kann und verstanden wird.
    Schreib ihm eine Flaschenpost und tauch ab in eine Welt des Verständnisses.
